Wednesday, December 22, 2010

History of Pearls

Education – history of pearls
Pearls have a very rich history as gifts, good fortune and also for use in medicine.  One of the oldest known gems, pearl jewelry dates back to 2300 BC, Chinese records indicate that pearls were the prized possessions of (and gifts to) royalty.  A Hindu book written in 1000 BC makes reference to pearls and their symbol of purity and innocence.  This ocean gem has a very special place in history and continues to mark modern day celebrations.

Pears through-out history has been highly valued, ideal wedding gifts.  The pearl is considered the “wedding gem”.  During the Crusades, valiant knights would bequeath their “fair ladies” pearls to be worn on their wedding day.  The French royalty during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries documented that pearls were the utmost in fashion as everyone, from the bride to the male guests were bejeweled in pearls.  In England, the queens have continued the ritual of wearing pearls on their wedding day for generations.  The wedding tradition continues, as pearls remain the favorite wedding jewel among modern brides.

In ancient India and China to Europe pearls were used for medicinal purposes.  The pearls were worn as jewelry for their curing powers or ground up into a fine powder for use in potions, balms and salves to be used to cure a wide range of ailments.  In modern times, the pharmaceutical industry continues to use pearls of inferior quality (that can’t be used in jewelry) as high-quality calcium.

Pearls of exceptional quality continue to be some of the world’s most sought-after and valued gems.  Begin your own history- purchase a fine quality strand of pearls from

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Care of Pearls

   Care of Pearls
o  Wearing your pearls they should be the last thing you put on ~ and the first thing you take off.  Your pearls should never be exposed to hairspray, cosmetics, cream, or perfume.  They should not be worn in water; showering or swimming.
o  Cleaning of your pearls should be done with the utmost of care, wipe them with a soft cloth moistened with water and then dried or use jewelry cleaner that is labeled SAFE for pearls.  Never use an ultrasonic cleaner, any type of abrasive material, dish or laundry detergents or ammonia based cleaner.
o  Store your pearls wrapped in a soft cloth or pouch, NEVER in plastic.  Do not store them around a direct source of heat.
o  Pearls restrung should be done yearly, if they are worn a great deal.  Carefully examine the strand for any signs of wear. 

Your pearls are a magnificent ocean gift and the better care you give them; the longer their natural luster will be maintained as a treasured heirloom for generations to come.