Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bucket List

One may think having a "bucket list" is a little trite, but I think it is a good motivator to continue to learn, grow and work towards an objective.  From time to time I think about what things I would really like to accomplish when I still have the stamina to do it.  Yesterday, on the Main street of our small town, I saw a friend.  She is one of those individuals that is always has a mischievous smile, upbeat and makes you stop and think.  She asked me "So  Kerri, what is your bucket list?".   Sheepishly a admitted I had a mental list but had never, actually wrote it down.  So here it goes.

1.  See all seven continents (still to go: Antarctica, South America and Africa)
2.  Do humanitarian service (14 years on our Board of Education and various Performing Art Boards do not count - truly humanitarian - rolling up my sleeves and getting my nails dirty).
3.  Ride a horse in the mountains.  I am a rancher's daughter and in my youth rode about 40 miles a day on horseback - but never in the mountains - so this is on the list which I plan to accomplish this summer.
4.  Fly Fish...have my very own "A River Runs Through It" moment.
5.  Ride a cute Moped in some select European cities.  Before my butt is too big or my knees go out.

Of course, there are personal and business goals I want to accomplish - but these are the top five bucket list goals that are truly - only - up to me to accomplish.  So what's on your bucket list?  In addition, of course, to getting a strand of dazzling pearls from yours truly!

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